Reformer Pilates

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of injury can Reformer Pilates help to treat?

Reformer Pilates can help treat all injuries and help rehabilitate from many different types of operations. This is done by working on your flexibility, posture, control and core strength. Common injuries that we use Reformer Pilates to rehabilitate include: low back pain, glute tendon tears, knee injuries and shoulder pains.

What types of sports would benefit from Reformer Pilates as part of training

Reformer Pilates is good for all different sports. Depending on what you are struggling with most, your Reformer Pilates session can focus on your mobility, control, core strength, limb strength. Common sports that we work with include: golf, football, triathlons, running and Crossfit.

Want more information? Check out our Golf and Running pages for more!

Can Reformer Pilates cause injury?

Reformer Pilates is generally quite safe. However, you can occasionally get injured due to poor technique and too much volume. At Kaizen Physiotherapy & Performance, you will have individual Reformer Pilates sessions. This means we will ensure you are doing the just right amount of intensity and volume. We will also continuously provide feedback and prompts regarding technique to make sure you are doing everything correctly.

What are the most common Reformer Pilates injuries?

As injuries specific to Reformer Pilates are quite rare, it’s hard to say what the most common injuries are. Typically, if you have a weak core and are given exercises that are too difficult, you may find some overloading in the muscles in the back. This can occasionally cause longer term low back pain. If this happens in your session, you should speak to your Pilates instructor so that they can make your exercises easier and safer for the back.

What is Reformer Pilates? 

Reformer Pilates is a form of exercise that utilises a specialised equipment called a reformer. It involves performing a series of controlled, low-impact movements that target the entire body. The reformer consists of a sliding carriage, adjustable springs, and various attachments to provide resistance and support during the exercises.

What are the benefits of Reformer Pilates? 

Reformer Pilates offers numerous benefits, including improved core strength, increased flexibility, enhanced muscular endurance, better posture, and overall body toning. It can also help improve balance, coordination, and body awareness. Regular practice of Reformer Pilates can contribute to improved functional fitness and overall well-being.

Is Reformer Pilates suitable for beginners? 

Yes, Reformer Pilates can be suitable for beginners. The exercises can be modified to accommodate different fitness levels and abilities. At Kaizen, we will provide guidance on proper technique, alignment, and equipment usage. As you gain familiarity and strength, you can gradually progress to more challenging exercises.

Can Reformer Pilates help with back pain? 

Reformer Pilates can be beneficial for individuals with back pain, particularly when supervised by a physiotherapist. At Kaizen, we use Reformer Pilates as part of the overall physiotherapy treatment for various conditions, but it is particularly useful for people with back problems.

Is Reformer Pilates a good workout for weight loss? 

Reformer Pilates can be a part of a comprehensive weight loss program as it helps improve overall fitness and body composition. While it may not be as calorie-burning intensive as high-impact cardio exercises, Reformer Pilates can aid in building lean muscle mass, increasing metabolism, and improving body shape. Combining Reformer Pilates with a healthy diet and other cardiovascular activities can be an effective approach to weight management.

What should I wear and bring to a Reformer Pilates class? 

Wear comfortable, form-fitting clothing that allows freedom of movement. Avoid excessively loose or baggy clothing that may restrict your movements or get caught in the equipment. You may want to bring a water bottle, a towel, and non-slip socks to enhance your comfort and safety during the class.

I’m pregnant, can I still do Pilates?

Reformer Pilates is a safe and beneficial exercise option during pregnancy. However, it is important to consult with us before starting Reformer Pilates, to ensure it is suitable for your specific condition.

Interested? Visit our Reformer Pilates page to book!