We need to talk about…Running (part 1)

On this week’s podcast episode we welcome a very experienced Strength & Conditioning (S&C) coach and friend of Kaizen, Nick Garcia.
Nick has a wealth of experience working with high performing athletes from a range of sports, and more recently has worked with a lot of runners… some of which have done ludicrous challenges! Recently, Dave and Nick were part of a team working with Joshua Patterson on his epic 76 marathon’s in 76 consecutive days in every city of the UK (yes, you read that right).

In the first part of this chat on ‘Seek Professional help’ we explore:

-What an strength and conditioning coach does
-The type of S&C training runners should be doing to complement their training
-The mindset of runners
-Behind the scenes on epic challenges
-Why underfueling might be hampering your running performance

Listen to the podcast below or Search for Seek Professional running physio help from us today!


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